Skin Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

 In Medical & Health

The skin is the largest organ in the human body that not only is an indicator of good health, but also displays different warning signs of other underlying diseases and illnesses. This article lists out some of the health conditions whose symptoms can be picked up from skin-related issues.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome And Testosterone-Increase

Acne is the most common skin disorder that presents itself as whiteheads, blackheads or large red bumps on the face and neck region, and affects young men and women. In men, it could mean an increase in testosterone and in women, it could indicate poly cystic ovarian disease or syndrome. PCOD also shows up as dark skin on the neck and arms.

Jaundice and Liver Disorders

Yellowing of the skin and the white part of the eyes are indications of liver disorders, of which the most prevalent is jaundice. Jaundice is a disease of the liver when it is unable to process red blood cells, as a result of which bilirubin gets accumulated in the body.

Depression, Anxiety and Stress

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that makes the skin hard, flaky, pinkish red and irritable. Psoriasis is linked to several mental health conditions, including anxiety, stress, and depression.


Skin eruptions and injuries that do not heal, unexplained itching, dark and dry skin can be indicators of diabetes. Diabetes is a health condition that affects how the body controls sugar levels in the blood. Narrowed blood vessels in diabetics do not allow circulation of blood around the wounds, making them difficult to heal.

Cholesterol, Hypertension and Hormonal Imbalance

Skin tags are an indication of high cholesterol in the body. Skin tags are small, black, irregular-shaped projections on the body, found mostly on and around the neck region. Skin tags can be surgically removed in a couple of minutes, but they tend to re-appear. They can also signify hypertension and hormonal imbalance.


Women approaching the menopause phase (stopping of monthly period) of their lives experience dry, wrinkly and itchy skin. This is due to the gradual loss of elasticity caused by a dip in estrogen.

Vitamin-D Deficiency

Skin rashes, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis may point to a deficiency in vitamin-D levels. Vitamin-D, also called the “sunshine vitamin” helps the growth and repair of skin cells, amongst other benefits that it offers the body.


Last but not the least, dry and flushed skin that peels means that the body is missing its normal supply of water.

In many cases, skin problems may just be skin problems and need to be addressed and treated from that perspective. But it is also important to understand the signs and symptoms that may require the diagnosis and treatment of other underlying causes.

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